Name 관리자 Date 13.06.10 Hit 692
File VitaHealth-AM-Eng-1.pdf

lMosquito (Genus Aedes) act as an intermediary in infecting  Malaria virus and moreover,  recently they
 make frequent appearance even in winter season because of the change of housing conditions.
lIn contrast to the past, the number of infected patients of encephalitis or malaria are increasing
 because of rapid change of  circumstance.
Acknowledging these problems, for the purpose of harmlessness to human body and setting free from
mosquitoes, we developed the “Vita Health ” which is a finishing treatment on fabrics and then
marketing it through various stability tests.
And also we developed and marketing “Vita Health ” which is a kind of expeller of anti-dust mites
and anti-microbial.
lOur “Vita Health” is made of Pyrethroid ester of which main raw material is natural extract.
lExperiments for Mosquito evasion taken by technology Team of our company result in excellent
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